امیدوارم همیشه زندگی خوبی داشته باشند چون جفتشون دوست داشتنی هستند
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در شنبه 26 اسفند 1391
20:48 توسط DITI
برای دیدن مابقی عکس ها به ادامه مطلب بروید .
:ادامه مطلب:
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 21 اسفند 1391
19:20 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 21 اسفند 1391
19:16 توسط DITI
عکس ها در ادامه مطلب
:ادامه مطلب:
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در سه شنبه 15 اسفند 1391
18:11 توسط DITI
پس از پیروزی تیم تراکتورسازی، تماشاگران حاضر در ورزشگاه یادگار و همچنین شهروندان تبریزی به جشن و پایکوبی پرداختند. شب گذشته تبریز غرق در شادی و شور است. عکس های برگزاری مهر خیابان های پرشور تبریز را ببینید.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در چهار شنبه 9 اسفند 1391
16:9 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در سه شنبه 8 اسفند 1391
11:17 توسط DITI
در این حادثه 10 خودرو با هم برخورد داشتند که در جریان این تصادف زنجیرهای تکههای خرد شده بدنه این اتومبیلها و یک تایر به داخل جمعیت پرتاب و باعث صدمه دیدن 28 تن از آنان شد. مسئولان برگزاری مسابقه اعلام کردند 14 تن از مجروحان حادثه به بیمارستانی در نزدیکی این محل منتقل شدند و 14 نفر باقیمانده در محل پیست مورد درمان قرار گرفتند.
تایر پرتاب شده نیز باعث مصدومیت پای یکی از تماشاگران شد. در بین آسیبدیدگان پسربچهای 14 ساله نیز وجود دارد که شرایط کلی وی رضایتبخش گزارش شده است. مردی نیز در این بین وجود دارد که از ناحیه سر دچار مصدومیت شدید شده و باید عمل جراحی روی سر وی صورت بگیرد.
عکسهای زیر از خبرگزاری فرانسه لحظات وقوع این حادثه را نشان می دهد.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 7 اسفند 1391
16:4 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در شنبه 5 اسفند 1391
19:11 توسط DITI
رویترز با انتشار این عکس ها از حضور دختران محجبه ایرانی در مسابقات جهانی اتریش خبر داده. فاطمه کیادربندسری، مرجان کلهر و میترا کلهر از نفرات اعزامی ایران در این مسابقات هستند.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در جمعه 4 اسفند 1391
11:3 توسط DITI
دوران سربازی خود را در باشگاه فتح تهران گذراند و در این عکس او را در کنار حسن خان محمدی بازیکن سابق پرسپولیس مشاهده می کنید
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در جمعه 4 اسفند 1391
10:57 توسط DITI
دوران سربازی خود را در باشگاه فتح تهران گذراند و در این عکس او را در کنار حسن خان محمدی بازیکن سابق پرسپولیس مشاهده می کنید
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در جمعه 4 اسفند 1391
10:57 توسط DITI
در این عکس بسیار خاطره انگیز و زیبا، فرهاد کاظمی را در دوران جوانی و در حالی که به تازگی کار مربیگری را به عنوان دستیار فیروز کریمی آغاز کرده بود را بر روی نیمکت تیم پاس تهران مشاهده می کنیم.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در سه شنبه 1 اسفند 1391
14:25 توسط DITI
دیوید بکهام
الساندرو دل پیرو
کریستیانو رونالدو
لوئیس فیگو
رایان گیگز
فرانک لمپارد
پائولو مالدینی
وین رونی
فرانچسکو توتی
فرناندو گاگو
فابیو کاناوارو
تیری هانری
لیونل مسی
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 30 بهمن 1391
16:44 توسط DITI
پوستر روز- درخشش کاپیتان توتی
برای مشاهده پوستر در سایز اصلی ،آنرا ذخیره نمائید.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 29 بهمن 1391
17:18 توسط DITI
در شبی که عادل فردوسی پور با آوردن چند خبرنگار روی خط برنامه اش خود را فاتح نبرد با امیر قلعه نویی قلمداد می کرد (برنامه نود دو هفته پیش، ۹ بهمن) نمی دانست که با یک سیاستمدار حرفه ای طرف است. فردوسی پور هفته بعد از آن (۱۶ بهمن) در یک اقدام ناشیانه، که از وی بعید بود، به سفارش یک خبرنگار تصاویری از مضروب شدن یک هوادار استقلال در تمرین این تیم نشان داد تا خشم سرمربی استقلال بیش از پیش فوران کند. فردوسی پور ادعا می کند که از یک سایت معتبر (خبرآنلاین) و همانطور که رویه برنامه است، این تصاویر را برداشته ولی بر اساس شواهد تصاویر نمایش داده شده در برنامه ۹۰، ساعت ۸ صبح روز سه شنبه همان هفته روی خروجی سایت قرار می گیرد.
فردای برنامه ۹۰، قلعه نویی در مصاحبه ای تاریخی خود عادل و عواملش را مافیای فوتبال می خواند تا جنگ این دو مهره مؤثر دهه اخیر فوتبال ایران، عیان تر از گذشته شود. در واقع قلعه نویی با اینگونه اتهام زنی به مجری محبوب برنامه ۹۰ (که اکنون محبوبیت خود را در خطر می بیند) کاری کرد که فردوسی پور دیگر دست در لانه زنبور نکند و بداند که تاوان بازی با دم شیر چقدر سنگین می تواند باشد.
اما بشنوید از دردسر جدید فردوسی پور؛ یک سایت ورزشی نشانه هایی از عادل فردوسی پور گفته و علائمی بر آنچه که قلعه نویی آن را ادعا می کند آورده است. نویسنده مطلب سعی دارد سرمایه هنگفتی که هم اکنون در دست عادل فردوسی پور است را به جریان دلالی که این روزها بر سر زبان ها افتاده مربوط کند.
در این مطلب می خوانیم: «یکی از مجریان برجسته تلویزیون ایران که در زمینه ورزشی خودش را یکی از سردمداران مبارزه با مفاسد مالی و اخلاقی موجود در ورزش می داند و توانسته در این زمینه اسم و رسمی هم برای خودش دست و پا کند و خود را صاحب جایگاهی بداند، ولی اخیرا رابطه یکی از اقوام نزدیکش با برخی از ورزشکاران در سطح ملی به نوعی برملا شده و انگشت های اتهام به سمت او نیز نشانه رفته، با وجود اینکه مدعی است یک حقوق کارمندی از سازمانی که در آن کار می کند می گیرد و در کنار آن یک حقوقی هم از یکی از دانشگاه های معتبر کشور که در آن تدریس می کند می گیرد، دارای خانه ای شخصی در تهران است که حداقل قیمت آن بالغ بر ۱۵ میلیارد تومان می باشد که داشتن چنین منزلی با آن درآمد اصلا همخوانی ندارد.»
بر اساس این گزارش: «این مجری، کارشناس و گزارشگر ورزش در تلویزیون ایران در خیابان شهید حسن فیس در شهرک غرب تهران یک منزل ویلائی دارد که البته در حال حاضر پدرش که یک تکنسین ساده برق بوده به همراه مادرش که یک دبیر بازنشسته می باشد سکونت دارند و خودش در همان حوالی در منزلی نسبتا مجلل که متعلق به همسر آن هم از نوع دوم و پدر همسرش می باشد سکونت دارد. نزدیکان به این چهره مطرح تلویزیون معتقدند که این منزل مسکونی تنها بخش اندکی از دارائی های وی است که بعضا به اسم خودش بوده و بخشی از آن نیز به اسم والدین او می باشد. نگاهی به منزل متعلق به این چهره و ادعایش در خصوص حقوق و مزایائی که دریافت می کند دقیقا مصداق ضرب المثل قسم حضرت عباس و دم خروس می باشد.»
عادل فردوسی پور روز گذشته در مصاحبه ای گفت که نمی خواهد بیش از این خود را درگیر این ماجرا کند که به نظر می رسد عدم رفع ابهامات در اذهان مردم تنها به خود وی ضربه خواهد زد.
سال گذشته نیز اتهام دستمزد نجومی از سوی یکی از روزنامه های سیاسی به عادل زده شد که بازتاب آن به حدی بود که مجری برنامه ۹۰ مجبور شد بخشی از وقت برنامه پرمخاطبش را به توضیحات در خصوص میزان دستمزدش و چگونگی محاسبه آن اختصاص دهد.
مربوط دانستن دارایی های هنگفت عادل فردوسی پور به اتهامی که این روزها از سوی قلعه نویی به او زده شده می تواند دردسرهای زیادی برای گزارشگر موفق سیما درست کند که امیدواریم آقای فردوسی پور هر چه سریعتر برای تنویر افکار عمومی ابهامات را برطرف کند.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در شنبه 28 بهمن 1391
19:50 توسط DITI
کارلوس کروش پنجشنبه همراه همسرش به تخت جمشید، پاسارگاد و نقش رستم رفت و از این مکانهای تاریخی بازدید کرد. او صبح جمعه هم به حمام وکیل رفت و عکس یادگاری گرفت.
سرمربی تیم ملی ناهار را در رستوران صوفی شیراز صرف کرد. کروش و همسرش همچنین بازدیدی هم از سعدیه داشتند. او جمعه تماشاگر مسابقه فجر سپاسی – استقلال بود.
کروش طبق معمول برای سفر از خودرو سواری استفاده کرد و قید مسافرت با هواپیما را زد. کروش در مصاحبه نوروزی سال قبل خود با خبرآنلاین گفته بود دوست دارد با خودرو سواری جاهای مختلف ایران را بگردد چراکه وقتی با هواپیما مسافرت میکند نمیتواند از آن بالا چیزی را ببیند.
کارلوس کروش و همسرش در شیراز (عکس)
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در شنبه 28 بهمن 1391
19:44 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در شنبه 28 بهمن 1391
19:29 توسط DITI
پوستر روز- لواندوفسکی به بایرن مونیخ پیوست
براساس گزارش رسانه های آلمانی روبرت لواندوفسکی مهاجم لهستانی باشگاه بوروسیا دورتموند با بایرن به توافقات نهایی دست یافت.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در شنبه 28 بهمن 1391
17:2 توسط DITI
بازيکن فوتبال(امريکايي) همچنان که خودي در ميادين فوتبال از خود نشان داده است، به سرعت به عنوان يک جوان خوب محبوبيت عمومي پيدا کرده است.
اين فوتباليست وقتي از طريق يکي از ويدئو هاي يوتوب متوجه شد که دختر ۶ ساله اي به خاطر آنکه مادرش گفته ۲۵ سالش نيست تا بتواند با اين فوتباليست ازدواج کند به گريه افتاده است، در پيامي در صفحه اجتماعي فيس بوک نوشت که مي خواهد با اين دختربچه ملاقات کند.
اين ويدئو نشان مي دهد که بريانا کوچک بغض کرده و بسيار براي خودش متاسف است که به اندازه کافي بزرگ نشده است.
فردي اين ويدئو را به وات مي فرستد و او نيز تصميم مي گيرد کاري در اين مورد انجام دهد. آن دو يکدیگر را در استاديوم هاستون تگزان در روز چهارشنبه ملاقات کردند.
اين فوتباليست گفت:"او نمي دانست من آنجا هستم. وقتي به سمتم آمد من يک دسته گل در دست و يک حلقه در جيبم داشتم. از او پرسيدم که مي تواند وانمود کند که يک روز همسر من است، او جواب داد بله البته.
وات يکي از پيراهن هايش را با خود به همراه داشت تا مانند يک لباس عروس باشد و آهنگي از خواننده مورد علاقه اش جاستين بيبر گذاشته شد.
اين فوتباليست اين تصاوير را در صفحه اجتماعي به اشتراک گذاشت و مردم از آن بسيار استقبال کردند، مطمئنا اين عمل موجب محبوبيت بيشتر اين فوتباليست خواهد شد.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در چهار شنبه 25 بهمن 1391
17:46 توسط DITI
حنيف عمران زاده همواره سوژه مناسبي براي عکاسان در تمرينات استقلال است و همواره با حرکات جالب و بعضا عجيب خود نظر همه را جلب مي کند.
عمران زاده در يکي از جلسات تمريني استقلال حرکت شيث رضايي در يکي از دربي ها را به شکلي تمسخرآميز شبيه سازي کرده است.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 23 بهمن 1391
18:26 توسط DITI
این نوزاد شیرین دختر یحیی گل محمدی سرمربی پرسپولیس است که روز 4 شنبه به دنیا آمده است.
با اینکه استقلالی هستم ولی تبریک گفتن بابت یه همچین قضیه ای وظیفۀ همۀ ما هستش
امیدوارم زندگی خوبی داشته باشه این خانم کوچیک
ولی خوب تیم باباش ببازه تا ما خوش حال بشیم
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 23 بهمن 1391
18:24 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 23 بهمن 1391
17:4 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 23 بهمن 1391
16:53 توسط DITI
کاریکاتور رونالدینیو
کاریکاتور لیونل مسی
کاریکاتور یحی گل محمدی – مربی جدید پیروزی
کاریکاتور مجری محبوب فوتبال – آقای خیابانی
کاریکاتور رونالدوی برزیلی
کاریکاتور عادل فردوسی پور
کاریکاتور علی دایی – یاشاسین علی دایی
کاریکاتور کریست رونالدو
کاریکاتور شخصیت های فوتبالی – علی پروین
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 23 بهمن 1391
11:32 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 22 بهمن 1391
16:29 توسط DITI
چندی پیش شهردار منطقه ۲۱ تهران که از ساخت ورزشگاهی در حوالی منطقه وردآورد خبر داد که قرار بود به نام علی کریمی یا شماره هشت نامگذاری شود چرا کریمی مدتها در این منطقه زندگی کرده و دوستداران زیادی نیز در این منطقه دارد.
ساخت مجسمهای از علی کریمی در مقابل ورزشگاه یا محوطه داخل آن پیشنهاد دیگری بود که مطرح شد اما کریمی تاکید کرد علاقه ای به ساخت مجسمه اش ندارد و بهتر است به جای وی مجسمه شهدا و رزمندگان را بسازند.
با تمام این تفاسیر کار ساخت مجسمه وی به مرحل پایانی رسیده و قرار است به زودی در ورزشگاه وردآورد نصب شود.
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 22 بهمن 1391
16:9 توسط DITI
Podium Snowboard. Photo: D.CARLIER
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در چهار شنبه 11 بهمن 1391
16:21 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 8 بهمن 1391
17:29 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 8 بهمن 1391
16:43 توسط DITI
1 Northern Ireland's Rory McIlroy celebrates his win during the final round of the U.S. Open golf tournament at Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland, June 19, 2011. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
2 Chile's Alvaro Trewhela rests after competing in the men's 10km open water race at the 14th FINA World Championships in Shanghai July 20, 2011. REUTERS/Aly Song
3 IBF Super Middleweight champion Lucian Bute (R) of Romania punches Glen Johnson of Jamaica during their IBF Super Middleweight championship fight at the Colisee de Quebec in Quebec City, November 5, 2011. Bute won the fight. REUTERS/Mathieu Belanger
4 Rafael Nadal of Spain hits a return to Mardy Fish of the U.S. during their quarter-final match at the Wimbledon tennis championships in London June 29, 2011. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth
5 Tottenham Hotspur's goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes attempts to prevent Chelsea's Frank Lampard's shot from crossing the line during their Premier League soccer match at Stamford Bridge, London April 30, 2011. The goal was awarded. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne
6 Philadelphia Phillies left fielder Raul Ibanez mishandles a fly ball from the Florida Marlins during the fourth inning of their MLB National League baseball game in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 15, 2011. REUTERS/Tim Shaffer
7 Barcelona's David Villa poses with the trophy after their Champions League final soccer match against Manchester United at Wembley Stadium in London May 28, 2011. REUTERS/Paul Hanna
8 Jacek Czachor of Poland rides his KTM during the third stage of the third South American edition of the Dakar Rally 2011 from Tucuman to Jujuy, January 4, 2011. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
9 Miami Heat's LeBron James (R) and Dwyane Wade pause during a break in play against the Dallas Mavericks
during the first half Game 6 of the NBA Finals basketball series in Miami, June 12, 2011. REUTERS/Hans Deryk
10 Musher Ketil Retan of Normay climbs the track with his dogs during the second part of the eighth stage of La Grande Odysee sled dog race in Mont-Cenis January 16, 2011. The race crosses the Alps in France and Switzerland covering over 1000 km (621 miles) over 11 days. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse
11 France's Damien Cely competes in the preliminary round of the men's 1m springboard diving event at the 14th FINA World Championships in Shanghai July 16, 2011. REUTERS/David Gray
12 Colombia's team performs during the preliminary round of the synchronised swimming team technical event at the 14th FINA World Championships in Shanghai July 18, 2011. REUTERS/David Gray
13 Manchester United's Wayne Rooney scores against Manchester City from an overhead kick during their English Premier League soccer match at Old Trafford in Manchester February 12, 2011. REUTERS/Darren Staples
14 Michael Phelps of the U.S. competes during the men's 200m butterfly semi-final at the 14th FINA World Championships in Shanghai July 26, 2011. REUTERS/Christinne Muschi
15 Jennifer Oeser of Germany competes during the long jump event of the heptathlon at the IAAF World Championships in Daegu August 30, 2011. REUTERS/Pawel Kopczynski
16 Sergey Bakulin of Russia throws away a bottle of water during the men's 50 km race walk final at the IAAF World Athletics Championships in Daegu September 3, 2011. REUTERS/Lee Jae-Won
17 The race car of driver Will Power (L) goes airborne during the IZOD IndyCar World Championship race at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway in Las Vegas, Nevada October 16, 2011. The motor racing world was left reeling on Monday from the death of time-two Indianapolis 500 champion Dan Wheldon while the search for answers into what triggered the horrific crash began. Wheldon's death in the IndyCar finale at Las Vegas Speedway on Sunday left fans stunned and plunged series officials into crisis management mode as the season-ending celebration turned to disaster. Picture taken October 16, 2011. REUTERS/Barry Ambrose
18 Phillips Idowu of Britain competes during the men's triple jump final at the IAAF World Athletics Championships in Daegu September 4, 2011. REUTERS/Phil Noble
19 Oscar Pistorius of South Africa comes out of the starting blocks during his men's 400 metres heat at the IAAF World Championships in Daegu August 28, 2011. REUTERS/Max Rossi
20 Yelena Isinbayeva of Russia competes during the women's pole vault final at the IAAF World Championships in Daegu August 30, 2011. REUTERS/Phil Noble
21 Ferrari Formula One driver Fernando Alonso of Spain takes a curve on his way to finish second in the Monaco F1 Grand Prix May 29, 2011. Picture taken with a tilt-shift lens. REUTERS/Max Rossi
22 Qian Hongyan, 16, from the Yunzhinan Swimming Club for the handicapped, climbs onto a platform
during a daily training session at a swimming centre in Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan province, July 30, 2011. About 30 disabled athletes from the club aged 10 to 22 are training for the London 2012 Paralympic Games. The club was founded in August 2007. REUTERS/Jason Lee
23 England's Chris Ashton scores his fourth try against Italy during their Six Nations rugby union match at Twickenham in west London February 12, 2011. REUTERS/Toby Melville
24 New York Yankees catcher Russell Martin eyes the ball during a catching drill at the team's spring training camp in Tampa, Florida, February 17, 2011. REUTERS/Steve Nesius
25 Manchester United's goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar acknowledges the crowd after their Champions League final soccer match defeat to Barcelona at Wembley Stadium in London May 28, 2011. REUTERS/Phil Noble
26 Thomas Fanara of France competes during the men's giant slalom race at the Alpine Skiing World Championships in Garmisch-Partenkirchen February 18, 2011. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay
27 Mark Melligen (R) of the Philippines takes a punch from Gabriel Martinez of Mexico during their 10-round welterweight fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, February 19, 2011. Melligen went on to win the fight by unanimous decision. REUTERS/Steve Marcus
28 Dallas Mavericks power forward Dirk Nowitzki looks for a rebound against the Miami Heat in the second half during Game 6 of the NBA Finals basketball series in Miami, June 12, 2011. REUTERS/Ronald Martinez/Pool
29 Sprint Cup Series driver Trevor Bayne celebrates in victory lane after winning the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Daytona 500 race at the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida February 20, 2011. REUTERS/Pool/Matthew Stockman
30 A skier takes a jump during sunny winter weather at the Swiss mountain area of Hoch-Ybrig some 55 kilometres (34 miles) south of Zurich February 23, 2011. REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann
31 Barcelona's Lionel Messi celebrates after scoring against Manchester United during their Champions League final soccer match at Wembley Stadium in London May 28, 2011. REUTERS/Eddie Keogh
32 Leopard Trek team riders stand on a podium to pay their respects as Wouter Weylandt is commemorated after the fourth stage of Giro d'Italia from Quarto dei Mille to Livorno May 10, 2011. Some Giro d'Italia cyclists, sporting black armbands, took part in a stage of respect for Weylandt on Tuesday after the Belgian rider was killed in a crash the previous day. REUTERS/Giampiero Sposito
33 Skiers are seen from a helicopter as they start into the 87th Vasaloppet long distance cross country ski race in Berga By near Saelen, Sweden, March 6, 2011. The traditional 90-km (56-mile) ski race Vasaloppet from Berga By outside Salen to Mora is the oldest and biggest long distance cross-country ski race in the world. The race is named after former Swedish King Gustav Vasa who according to the legendary tale, in the year 1520 skied the 90 kilometres fleeing from Danish soldiers while raising a Swedish army. The race has been an annual event since 1922. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay
34 The Olympic Stadium with the figure 1 mown into the grass to mark one year to go until the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games, is seen in this undated aerial photograph released in London on July 27, 2011. REUTERS/LOCOG/Handout
35 Racers from (L-R) the U.S., China, Britain and Canada compete in their mens 5000 metres semi-final at the World Short Track Speed Skating Championships in Sheffield, northern England, March 12, 2011. REUTERS/Phil Noble
36 Carlos Sainz of Spain drives his Volkswagen Touareg during the eighth stage of the third South American edition of the Dakar Rally 2011, from Antofagasta to Copiapo, January 10, 2011. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard
37 People watch cross country skiers race over the frozen lake Sils during the Engadin Ski Marathon near Sils March 13, 2011. More than 11,900 skiers registered in the 42.2 km race between Maloja and S-chanf near the Swiss mountain resort of St. Moritz. REUTERS/Valentin Flauraud
38 Inter Milan's Maicon slides into the net as Bayern Munich's Mario Gomez (not pictured) scores his team's first goal during their Champions League round of 16 second leg soccer match in Munich March 15, 2011. REUTERS/Michael Dalder
39 Horses jump a fence in The Pertemps Final during the Cheltenham Festival horse racing meet in Gloucestershire, western England March 17, 2011. REUTERS/Eddie Keogh
40 V8 Supercar driver Craig Lowndes of Australia drives Britain's Jenson Button McLaren Formula One car during a media event at Mount Panorama raceway in Bathurst, 200km (125 miles) west of Sydney March 22, 2011. The Australian F1 race, to be held on March 27, is the first race of the season after the race was in Bahrain was cancelled due to the political unrest. REUTERS/Vue Images/Handout
41 Manchester United's Wayne Rooney celebrates after scoring a goal during the first leg of their Champions League quarter final soccer match against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge in London April 6, 2011. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez
42 Erik Morales of Mexico exits the ring with a swollen eye after losing a WBA interim super lightweight title fight to Marcos Maidana of Argentina at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada April 9, 2011. Maidana won the fight by majority decision. REUTERS/Steve Marcus
43 Players battle for the ball during the annual Lelo match in the village of Shukhuti, about 290 km (180 miles) west of Tbilisi, April 24, 2011. The villagers of Zemo (upper) Shukhuti and Kvemo (lower) Shukhuti have played the game every Easter Sunday for generations, with each side trying to carry the 16 kg (35 lbs) ball to their end of the neighbouring villages. REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili
44 Australian V8 Supercar driver Karl Reindler's car (2-R) bursts into flames after a collision with another race car (L) driven by Steve Owen during competition at Barbagallo Raceway in Perth May 1, 2011. Both drivers walked away from the crash with Reindler being taken to hospital with burns to his hands, local media reported. REUTERS/Scott Wensley
45 Celtic's manager Neil Lennon reacts after his side is not awarded a penalty against Inverness Caledonian Thistle during their Scottish Premier League soccer match at the Tulloch Caledonian Stadium, Inverness, Scotland, May 4, 2011. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne
46 Kentucky Derby hopeful Mucho Macho Man gallops on the track during early morning workouts at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky, May 5, 2011. REUTERS/Jeff Haynes
47 Army veteran Edward Menchavez zips up his wetsuit at a surf therapy program for military veterans in Manhattan Beach, California May 7, 2011. The program is run by the Jimmy Miller Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated the healing of mental and physical illness through surfing and ocean related activities. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
48 Matt Wilkinson of Australia surfs during the men's Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) Billabong Rio Pro championship on Arpoador beach in Rio de Janeiro May 18, 2011. REUTERS/Sergio Moraes
49 Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Jo-Jo Reyes gets Gatorade poured on him after his win over the Cleveland Indians following their American League MLB baseball game in Toronto May 30, 2011. Reyes celebrated his first win in nearly three years on Monday and avoided setting a Major League Baseball record for consecutive starts without a victory. The left-hander had gone 28 starts since he last won on June 13, 2008 pitching for Atlanta, but he ended his drought in style, the Blue Jays beating Cleveland 11-1 in Reyes' first complete game. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
50 A man lifts a 250 kg (551.15 lbs) stone during the traditional Bavarian stone-lifting competition in a beer tent in Grafing, near Munich June 2, 2011. Stone-lifting, also called Steinheben, is the traditional Bavarian way of weightlifting and it dates back to the 15th century. REUTERS/Michael Dalder
51 Suter Moto2 rider Julian Simon (R) of Spain and Suter Moto2 rider Kenan Sofuoglu of Turkey crashes during the Catalunya MotoGP Grand Prix at the Montmelo race track, near Barcelona, June 5, 2011. REUTERS/Israel Medrano
52 Boston Bruins' Zdeno Chara celebrates with the Stanley Cup after defeating the Vancouver Canucks in Game 7 to win the NHL Stanley Cup Final hockey playoff in Vancouver, British Columbia June 15, 2011. REUTERS/Mike Blake
53 China's Guo Yan eyes the ball as she serves against Kim Kying Ah of South Korea during their table tennis match at the Volkswagen 2011 China vs. World Team Challenge event in Shanghai June 24, 2011. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
54 Novak Djokovic of Serbia holds the winners trophy after defeating Rafael Nadal of Spain (R) in the men's singles final at the Wimbledon tennis championships in London July 3, 2011. REUTERS/Eddie Keogh
55 Boston Red Sox' Marco Scutaro tosses his helmet after being tagged out at second base to end the 12th inning of their MLB American League baseball game against the Kansas City Royals at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts July 26, 2011. REUTERS/Brian Snyder
56 Markus Henriksen of Rosenborg heads a ball during their Champions League third round second leg qualification match against Viktoria Plzen in Plzen, August 3, 2011. REUTERS/Petr Josek
57 A dragon fly lands on the head of Tiger Woods of the U.S. as he prepares to hit his tee shot on the second hole during a practice round for the 93rd PGA Championship golf tournament at the Atlanta Athletic Club in Jones Creek, Georgia, August 9, 2011. REUTERS/Jeff Haynes
58 Gary Hunt of the United Kingdom dives in the final round of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series 2011 competition in Boston, Massachusetts August 20, 2011. Boston is the sixth stop on this year's tour and the only urban venue, where divers plunge some 90 feet from the roof of a contemporary art museum into Boston Harbor. REUTERS/Brian Snyder
59 FC Servette's Ishmael Yartey reacts after a missed opportunity during their Super League soccer match against Neuchatel Xamax in Neuchatel August 14, 2011. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse
60 England's midfield trio (L-R) of Mike Tindall, Manu Tuilagi and Jonny Wilkinson combine tackle Ireland's Andrew Trimble during their friendly rugby international test match at Aviva Stadium in Dublin,August 27, 2011. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne
61 Usain Bolt of Jamaica walks without his shirt after being disqualified for a false start during the men's 100 metres final at the IAAF World Championships in Daegu August 28, 2011. REUTERS/Phil Noble
62 Robert Harting of Germany celebrates winning the men's discus throw final at the IAAF World Championships in Daegu August 30, 2011. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach
63 Bulgaria's (L-R) Vladimir Milchev Nikolov, Metodi Ananiev and Viktor Yosifov concentrate during their Men's Volleyball European Championship quarterfinal match against Russia in Karlovy Vary September 15, 2011. REUTERS/David W Cerny
64 Arizona Cardinals receiver Larry Fitzgerald (11) pulls in a catch against the Washington Redskins during the second half of their NFL football game in Landover, Maryland, September 18, 2011. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
65 Romania (L) and England players contest a scrum during their Rugby World Cup Pool B match at Otago Stadium in Dunedin September 24, 2011. REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci
66 Liverpool's Luis Suarez celebrates after scoring during their English Premier League soccer match against Wolverhampton Wanderers at Anfield in Liverpool, northern England September 24, 2011. REUTERS/Phil Noble
67 Mexican lucha libre wrestler Catrina (2nd R) poses with fellow wrestlers La Llorona (Spanish for The Crying Lady) and Astrid (R), demonstrating the lock-key wrestling position, at a gymnasium in Mexico City September 27, 2011. Catrina, 56, a grandmother of seven, has been wrestling for 27 years. She began wrestling while learning self-defense to protect herself from her ex-husband who used to hit her. She is now married to another wrestler. The majority of Mexican female lucha libre wrestlers are housewives and part-time wrestlers. Lucha libre wrestlers wear masks and fight as fictional characters in the ring to remain anonymous to fans. Picture taken September 27, 2011. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso
68 Australia Wallabies' Adam Ashley-Cooper (R) attempts to tackle South Africa Springboks' Jean de Villiers during their Rugby World Cup quarter-final match at Wellington Regional Stadium October 9, 2011. REUTERS/David Gray
69 Red Bull Formula One driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany celebrates winning the world championship after finishing third in the Japanese F1 Grand Prix at the Suzuka circuit October 9, 2011. Vettel became Formula One's youngest double world champion on Sunday after finishing third in a Japanese Grand Prix won by McLaren rival Jenson Button. REUTERS/Toru Hanai
70 Texas Rangers shortstop Elvis Andrus throws but fails to put out St. Louis Cardinals' Lance Berkman during the seventh inning in Game 7 of MLB's World Series baseball championship in St. Louis, Missouri, October 28, 2011. REUTERS/Jeff Haynes
71 Michigan State Spartans center Adreian Payne (5) goes to the basket against North Carolina Tar Heels forward John Henson (31) at the NCAA Carrier Classic men's college basketball game on the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson in Coronado California November 11 , 2011. REUTERS/Mike Blake
72 The University of Arkansas raise their helmets before taking on Ohio State University during the NCAA BCS Allstate Sugar Bowl football game in New Orleans, Louisiana January, 4, 2011. REUTERS/Sean Gardner
73 Spectators cheers behind England's Alastair Cook during the fifth Ashes cricket test against Australia at the Sydney Cricket Ground January 5, 2011. REUTERS/Tim Wimborne
74 AC Milan's Rodney Strasser (C) celebrates with his team mates Antonio Cassano (R) and Ignazio Abate at the end of their Italian Serie A soccer match against Cagliari at the Sant'Elia stadium in Cagliari January 6, 2011. REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo
75 Soccer players from Haiti's Zaryen team (in blue) and the national amputee team fight for the ball during a friendly match at the national stadium in Port-au-Prince January 10, 2011. Sprinting on their crutches at breakneck speed, the young soccer players who lost legs in Haiti's earthquake last year project a symbol of hope and resilience in a land where so much is broken. REUTERS/Kena Betancur
76 BMC Racing Team's Cadel Evans of Australia, wearing the leader's yellow jersey, holds his bicycle in front the Arc de Triomphe as he celebrates on the Champs Elysees after winning the 98th Tour de France cycling race in Paris July 24, 2011. Evans became the first Australian to win the Tour de France after finishing with the peloton in the last stage won by Mark Cavendish of Britain on Sunday. Andy Schleck was second overall with his brother Frank taking third place. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol
77 Barcelona's player Pedro Rodriguez celebrates his goal against Malaga during their Spanish first division soccer match at Nou Camp stadium in Barcelona January 16, 2011. REUTERS/Gustau Nacarino
78 Xin Zhang of China crashes during the women's aerials event at the World Cup Freestyle ski competition at Mont Gabriel in Sainte-Adele, Quebec, January 16, 2011. REUTERS/Shaun Best
79 Jordan's Bashar Bani Yaseen (L) kicks Syria's Sanharib Malki in the face whilst attempting a scissor kick during their 2011 Asian Cup Group B soccer match at Qatar Sports Club stadium in Doha January 17, 2011. REUTERS/Fadi Al-Assaad
80 Venus Williams of the U.S. serves to Sandra Zahlavova of the Czech Republic during their match at the Australian Open tennis tournament in Melbourne January 19, 2011. REUTERS/David Gray
81 Chicago Bears defensive tackle Tommie Harris (91)
has steam coming off his head on the sidelines before the NFL NFC Championship football game against the Green Bay Packers in Chicago, January 23, 2011. REUTERS/Mike Segar
82 Meagan Duhamel (L) is swung upside down by partner Eric Radford during the gala performance at the Canadian Figure Skating Championships in Victoria, British Columbia January 23, 2011. REUTERS/Andy Clark
83 France's players celebrate winning the gold medal of the Men's Handball World Championship after defeating Denmark in the final match in Malmo January 30, 2011. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti
84 A man jumps in the air to hit a ball as people play cricket by the beach with an improvised stick for a bat and a piece of wood for wickets in Mumbai February 2, 2011. The tenth Cricket World Cup which is co-hosted by India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh takes place from February 19 to April 2. REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui
85 Poland's Adam Malysz soars through the air during the qualification for the first event of the four-hills ski jumping tournament in Oberstdorf, December 28, 2010. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach
86 Jeannie Pflum makes a run on the Butler, Pflum & Wagner motorcycle during the second day of the 63rd annual Bonneville SpeedWeek race on the Bonneville Salt Flats outside Wendover, Utah, August 14, 2011. Hundreds of drag race cars will attempt to set land speed records during the course of the week. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart
87 Green Bay Packers wide receiver Greg Jennings (85) catches a fourth quarter touchdown against the Pittsburgh Steelers during the NFL's Super Bowl XLV football game in Arlington, Texas, February 6, 2011. REUTERS/Mike Stone
88 HTC-Highroad rider Mark Cavendish of Britain celebrates as he crosses the finish line in the seventh stage of the Tour de France 2011 cycling race, from Le Mans to Chateauroux, July 8, 2011. Cavendish won the stage while Garmin-Cervelo's Thor Hushovd of Norway retained the leader's yellow jersey. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse
89 The Iranian women's national soccer team pray after withdrawing from their qualifying match against Jordan for the 2012 London Olympic Games in Amman June 3, 2011. The Iranian team were banned from the match on Friday in the second round of qualifiers in protest against guidelines on their veil. The FIFA woman's association requires that any covering used does not cover the neck and ears. In Iran all women are required to cover their hair in public to conform to the Islamic dress code. REUTERS/Ali Jarekji
90 Christy Martin of the U.S. sticks out her tongue after the fifth round against compatriot Dakota Stone during a Welterweight boxing match in Los Angeles June 4, 2011. REUTERS/Danny Moloshok
91 Boston Bruins goalie Tim Thomas
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در سه شنبه 3 بهمن 1391
18:28 توسط DITI
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در سه شنبه 3 بهمن 1391
11:30 توسط DITI
1Utah Jazz's Jefferson gets hit in the head by Los Angeles Clippers' Griffin during the first half of their NBA basketball game in Salt Lake City. JIM URQUHART/REUTERS
2People watch a peloton of riders cycle past them during the second leg of the Tour de India cycling race in Srinagar. FAYAZ KABLI/REUTERS
3A makeshift memorial for Kansas City Chiefs football player Jovan Belcher is seen outside his mother's home in West Babylon, New York. SHANNON STAPLETON/REUTERS
4Referee Todorov of Bulgaria gestures as match was halted due to snow on pitch during Champions League Group A soccer match in Zagreb. ANTONIO BRONIC/REUTERS
5Real Madrid's Kaka celebrates his goal during their Champions League Group D soccer match against Ajax Amsterdam at Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid. JUAN MEDINA/REUTERS
6Chelsea's Fernando Torres challenges FC Nordsjaelland's Michael Parkhurst during their Champions League Group E soccer match in London. DYLAN MARTINEZ/REUTERS
7Charlotte Bobcats' Walker yells after being fouled against New York Knicks during their NBA basketball game in Charlotte. CHRIS KEANE/REUTERS
8Los Angeles Lakers' Bryant goes to the basket during their NBA basketball game against New Orleans Hornets in New Orleans. JONATHAN BACHMAN/REUTERS
9Borussia Moenchengladbach's Ring challenges Fenerbahce's Bienvenu during their Europa League soccer match in Istanbul. MURAD SEZER/REUTERS
10Tottenham Hotspur's Adebayor scores a goal against Panathinaikos during their Europa League soccer match at White Hart Lane in London. DYLAN MARTINEZ/REUTERS
11Lazio's Ederson throws his jersey and pants to fans after winning their Europa League Group J soccer match against NK Maribor in Maribor. SRDJAN ZIVULOVIC/REUTERS
12New York Knicks' J.R. Smith hangs on the rim after dunking in the second half as teammate Tyson Chandler and Miami Heat's Chris Bosh look on in their NBA basketball game in Miami, Florida. Andrew Innerarity/REUTERS
13Denver Broncos running back Moreno runs against the Oakland Raiders defense during their NFL football game in Oakland. ROBERT GALBRAITH/REUTERS
14Skaters compete in the men's 5,000m relay qualification race during the ISU Short Track World Cup speed skating competition in Shanghai. CARLOS BARRIA/REUTERS
15Moore-Towers and Moscovitch of Canada perform during the pairs' short programme at the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final in Sochi. GRIGORY DUKOR/REUTERS
16Skiers compete during the men's team sprint cross-country skiing World Cup at the Sprint Quebec event in downtown Quebec City. MATHIEU BELANGER/REUTERS
17Utah Jazz guard Gordon Hayward and Toronto Raptors guard Terrence Ross scramble for a loose ball during the first half of their NBA basketball game in Salt Lake City, Utah. JIM URQUHART/REUTERS
18New Orleans Hornets power forward Jason Smith and Memphis Grizzlies power forward Zach Randolph go for a rebound during the second half of their NBA basketball game in New Orleans, Louisiana. JONATHAN BACHMAN/REUTERS
19Wagner of the U.S. performs during the women's free skating at the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final in Sochi . PAWEL KOPCZYNSKI/REUTERS
20Vonn of the U.S. reacts in the finish area after taking first place in the women's Alpine skiing World Cup Super-G race in St. Moritz. MICHAEL BUHOLZER/REUTERS
21Hanyu of Japan performs during the men's free skating competition at the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final in Sochi . GRIGORY DUKOR/REUTERS
22West Bromwich Albion's Reid shouts at Arsenal's Cazorla after Cazorla won penalty during their English Premier League soccer match in London. DYLAN MARTINEZ/REUTERS
23A snowmobiler flies through the air as part of the entertainment during the Monster Energy Snowmobile Freestyle tour at the World Cup Ski Cross race in Nakiska. TODD KOROL/REUTERS
24Chicago Bulls' Nate Robinson loses the ball as he goes to the basket against New York Knicks' J.R. Smith during the second half of their NBA game in Chicago. JIM YOUNG/REUTERS
25Juan Manuel Marquez of Mexico steps away after knocking out Manny Pacquiao of the Philippines in the 6th round during their welterweight fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas. STEVE MARCUS/REUTERS
26Team Japan competes in the women's team sprint event at the Essent ISU speed skating World Cup in Nagano, central Japan. YURIKO NAKAO/REUTERS
27Malpartida of Peru reacts after being proclaimed winner against Hernandez of the Dominican Republic in their WBA super featherweight title fight in Kingston. GILBERT BELLAMY/REUTERS
28Volosozhar and Trankov of Russia perform during the gala exhibition at the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final in Sochi. GRIGORY DUKOR/REUTERS
29Manchester United's Ferdinand is helped from pitch by teammate van Persie after being struck by object thrown from crowd during their English Premier League soccer match in Manchester. PHIL NOBLE/REUTERS
30Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark reacts after putting towel under top during her tennis match against Sharapova of Russia in Sao Paulo. NACHO DOCE/REUTERS
31Carolina Panthers wide receiver Steve Smith is tackled by Atlanta Falcons middle linebacker Akeem Dent and cornerback Dunta Robinson during the first half of their NFL football game in Charlotte. CHRIS KEANE/REUTERS
32Washington Redskins starting quarterback Griffin III is helped off field by team trainers late in fourth quarter against Baltimore in Landover. GARY CAMERON/REUTERS
33Indianapolis Colts linebacker Freeman and defensive back Davis trip up Tennessee Titans running back Johnson during the third quarter of their NFL football game in Indianapolis, Indiana. BRENT SMITH/REUTERS
34New York Giants' David Wilson does a back flip after running for a touchdown in the fourth quarter against the New Orleans Saints in their NFL football game in East Rutherford. MIKE SEGAR/REUTERS
35New York Knicks point guard Jason Kidd points to a bump on his head to Denver Nuggets point guard Ty Lawson who caused the bump with a hard foul earlier in the game at the start of the third quarter of their NBA basketball game at Madison Square Garden in. ADAM HUNGER/REUTERS
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 2 بهمن 1391
20:32 توسط DITI
1A fighting cow charges a reveller during festivities in the bull ring following the third running of the bulls on the fourth day of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 9, 2010. Three people needed hospital treatment following a run that lasted six minutes and twenty three seconds according to local news sources. (Photo: Eloy Alonso/Reuters)
2A reveller is tossed by a heifer bull during festivities in the bull ring after the third running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona. (Photo: Joseba Etxaburu/Reuters)
3Spanish bullfighter Miguel Angel Perea gets tossed by a bull during San Isidro's bullfighting fair at Madrid's Las Ventas bullring May 15, 2006. Madrid celebrates its patron saint San Isidro every year with a fair which includes cultural events and concerts, as well as three weeks of bullfights. (Photo: Susana Vera/Reuters)
4Spanish bullfighter Salvador Cortes is tossed by a bull during a bullfight in the southern Spanish town of Malaga August 17, 2006. Cortes suffered minor injuries. (Photo: Rafael Marchante/Reuters)
5Spanish matador Alejandro Talavante is tossed by a bull during a bullfight in the Maestranza bullring in Seville, southern Spain, April 21, 2007. Talavante was not injured. (Photo: Javier Barbancho/Reuters)
6Spanish matador Juan Jose Padilla gets tossed by a bull during a bullfight at Seville's Maestranza bullring April 29, 2007.(Photo: Javier Barbancho/Reuters)
7Spanish bullfighter Francisco Marco is tossed by a bull, almost severing his ear, during the second bullfight of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 8, 2010. (Photo: Vincent West/Reuters)
8A bandillero is tossed by a bull during the fourth bullfight of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 10, 2010. Bandilleros are bullfighters' assistants whose role is to weaken the bull's massive neck and shoulder muscles using harpoon pointed sticks known as banderillas (little flags). (Photo: Eloy Alonso/Reuters)
9Spanish bullfighter Enrique Ponce is tossed by a bull during a bullfight in the southern Spanish town of Malaga August 17, 2006. (Photo: Rafael Marchante/Reuters)
10Spanish matador Julian "El Juli" Lopez gets gored during the sixth bullfight of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 12, 2010. (Photo: Eloy Alonso/Reuters)
11A heifer tosses a runner during festivities in the bullring after the seventh running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 13, 2010. (Photo: Joseba Etxaburu/Reuters)
12French bullfighter Sebastian Castella gets tossed by a bull during the last bullfight of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 14, 2010. (Photo: Susana Vera/Reuters)
13A heifer grabs the shirt of a runner during festivities in the bullring after the seventh running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 13, 2010. (Photo: Joseba Etxaburu/Reuters)
14Spanish bullfighter Jose Tomas is tossed by a bull during a bullfight at Monumental bullring in Barcelona, July 5, 2009. (Photo: Stringer Spain/ Reuters)
15Spanish bullfighter Manuel Jesus "El Cid" is tossed by a bull at the Plaza de Toros on the fourth day of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 9, 2009. (Photo: Eloy Alonso/Reuters)
16A Miura fighting bull gores a runner during the sixth bullrun of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 12, 2009. (Photo: Joseba Etxaburu/Reuters)
17A Miura fighting bull gores a runner during the sixth bullrun of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 12, 2009. (Photo: Joseba Etxaburu/Reuters)
18Spanish bullfighter "Rafaelillo" is tossed by a bull during the sixth bullfight of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 12, 2009. (Photo: Susana Vera/Reuters)
19A reveller gets tossed by a wild cow after the second running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 8, 2006. (Photo:Vincent West/Reuters)
20Bullfighter Jose Tomas is tackled by a bull during a bullfight at the Malagueta bullring in Malaga, southern Spain, April 12, 2009. (Photo: Jon Nazca/Reuters
21Matador Miguel Angel Perera is trampled by a Fuente Ymbro ranch fighting bull during a bullfight at the Plaza de Toros at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 13, 2009. (Photo: Eloy Alonso/Reuters)
22Colombian bullfighter Luis Bolivar is gored by a bull during a bullfight at the Malagueta bullring in Malaga, southern Spain August 20, 2009. (Photo: Jon Nazca/Reuters)
23Spanish bullfighter Jose Prados "El Fundi" is tossed by a bull during a bullfight on the eighth day of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 13, 2008. (Photo: Dani Cardona/Reuters)
24A heifer attacks a reveller at the end of the fifth running of the bulls of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 11, 2008. (Photo: Joseba Etxaburu/Reuters)
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 2 بهمن 1391
19:53 توسط DITI
101. A snowboarder soars through the centre ring of the Olympic Rings during the opening ceremony of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics February 12, 2010. REUTERS/Mike Blake
202. Referee Tony Weeks (C) gets hit by a punch from Bernard Hopkins (L) of the U.S. after Hopkins and compatriot Roy Jones Jr., continue to fight after the end of the sixth round of their light heavyweight fight at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, Nevada April 3, 2010. REUTERS/Aaron Mayes
303. Lindsey Vonn of the U.S. skis on her way to win the bronze medal in the women's Alpine Skiing Super-G race at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics in Whistler, British Columbia, February 20, 2010. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay
404. Bari's supporters wave their team's banners during a match against AC Milan at the San Nicola stadium in Bari February 21, 2010. AC Milan won 2-0. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi
505. Canada's Kelsey Serwa (C) leads France's Ophelie David (L) and France's Marion Josserand during the quarterfinals heat of the women's ski cross at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics February 23, 2010. REUTERS/Mike Blake
606. Canada's Sidney Crosby celebrates with teammates Scott Niedermayer (L) and Drew Doughty after scoring the game winning goal against the U.S. during overtime in their men's ice hockey gold medal game at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics February 28, 2010. REUTERS/Todd Korol
707. Abby Wambach (R) of the U.S. fights for the ball with Sweden's Caroline Seger during their women's Algarve Cup soccer match in Ferreiras March 1, 2010. REUTERS/Jose Manuel Ribeiro
808. A Bursaspor player hides behind shields from the objects thrown by Diyarbakirspor fans, as an injured assistant referee lays on the pitch, during their Turkish Super League soccer match in Diyarbakir March 6, 2010. The game between Bursaspor and Diyarbakirspor was suspended at the 17th minute on Saturday, when Diyarbakirspor fans began throwing foreign objects onto the pitch. REUTERS/Anatolian/Ibrahim Yakut
909. Canada's Andrea Dziewior crashes at the finish line during the women's alpine downhill standing at the 2010 Paralympic Winter Games in Whistler, British Columbia, March 18, 2010. REUTERS/Andy Clark
1010. A horseman falls from the saddle as he takes part in a Kok-boru, or goat dragging, competition as part of Navruz, an ancient holiday marking the spring equinox, celebrations in the capital Bishkek March 21, 2010. Kok-boru is a traditional Central Asian game which is considered to be Kyrgyzstan's national sport. Players grab a goat carcass from the ground in full gallop and try to place it into their opponents' goal, who attempt to foil the attack by snatching the headless goat away and score for their side. REUTERS/Vladimir Pirogov
1111. Sauber Formula One driver Kamui Kobayashi of Japan (front) crashes out of the race during the Australian F1 Grand Prix in Melbourne March 28, 2010. REUTERS/Mark Horsburgh
1212. Tiger Woods of the U.S. looks at his iPhone after using it to take a picture of playing partner Mark O'Meara on the 10th green, during a practice round for the 2010 Masters golf tournament at the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia, April 6, 2010. REUTERS/Hans Deryk
1313. Khachaturian falls, unseating jockey Jason Maguire, in the Mildmay Novices' Steeple Chase during the second day of The Grand National Meeting at Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool, northern England April 09, 2010.. REUTERS/Russell Cheyne
1414. Sebastien Ogier of France and his co-driver Julien Ingrassia drive their Citroen C4 WRC on the first day of the Turkey Rally during the FIA World Rally Championship near Istanbul, April 16, 2010. REUTERS/Osman Orsal
1515. Toronto FC's Chad Barrett celebrates his first of two goals against the Chicago Fire during the second half of their MLS soccer match in Toronto May 8, 2010. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
1616. Australian freestyle motocross rider Robbie Maddison jumps during an trainings session in the Sahara desert near the Gizah pyramids during sunset in Cairo May 11, 2010 in preparation of the second stage of the Red Bull X-Fighters World Tour, which takes places in front of the Sphinx sculpture in Cairo on May 14. Picture taken May 11, 2010. REUTERS/Joerg Mitter for Global-Newsroom/Handout
1717. Spain's Marc Duran serves against Germany's Bastian Steger during their match in Group C First Division at the 2010 World Table Tennis Championships in Moscow, May 24, 2010. REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky
1818. Local school children play with soccer balls during a team training session on a dirt ground in front of houses in Soweto, Johannesburg May 25, 2010. The 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup kicks off on June 11. REUTERS/David Gray
1919. Los Angeles Lakers forward Ron Artest jumps into the arms of team-mate Kobe Bryant after scoring the game-winning basket against the Phoenix Suns with less than 1 second on the clock during Game 5 of their NBA Western Conference final playoffs in Los Angeles May 27, 2010. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson (UNITED STATES - Tags: SPORT BASKETBALL IMAGES OF THE DAY)
2020. Heavyweight boxing title holder Vitali Klitschko of Ukraine celebrates after defeating Albert Sosnowski of Poland during their WBC world heavyweight championship title fight in the western German city of Gelsenkirchen May 29, 2010. REUTERS/Ina Fassbender
2121. Dreyer & Reinbold Racing driver Mike Conway flies through the air after crashing with Andretti Autosport driver Ryan Hunter-Reay (37) during the 94th running of the Indianapolis 500 auto race in Indianapolis, Indiana May 30, 2010. REUTERS/Larry Papke
2222. Australia's Lucas Neill is reflected in the water as he jogs with the team during a training session at Ruimsig Stadium in Roodepoort, just outside of Johannesburg June 7, 2010. Australia will play Germany in their opening World Cup 2010 soccer match on June 13. Picture rotated 180 degrees. REUTERS/Daniel Munoz
2323. South Africa's Siphiwe Tshabalala (2nd L) dances with team mates after he scored the first goal against Mexico during their 2010 World Cup opening match at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg June 11, 2010. REUTERS/Henry Romero
2424. Argentina's coach Diego Maradona celebrates his team's goal against Nigeria during the 2010 World Cup Group B soccer match at Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg June 12, 2010. REUTERS/Eddie Keogh
2525. Takashi Okada of Japan (L) lands a punch against McWilliams Arroyo of Puerto Rico during their flyweight bout at Madison Square Garden in New York June 12, 2010. Okada was declared winner by unanimous decision after their four round fight. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
2626. England's David Flatman stands in midfield with a bleeding ear during a Rugby Union match against the Australian Barbarians in Gosford June 15, 2010. REUTERS/Tim Wimborne
2727. The pack of riders including HTC Columbia's team rider Mark Cavendish (3rd R) crash during their sprint next to the finish line in the fourth stage of the Tour de Suisse from Schwarzenburg to Wettingen June 15, 2010. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann
2828. England's Wayne Rooney (L) and Frank Lampard reacts during the 2010 World Cup Group C soccer match against Algeria at Green Point stadium in Cape Town June 18, 2010. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
2929. Photographers gather in front of Argentina's coach Diego Maradona as he sings the national anthem before the 2010 World Cup Group B soccer match against Greece at Peter Mokaba stadium in Polokwane June 22, 2010. REUTERS/David Gray
3030. Paddy Games staff Joya Kuin and Colin Carroll (R) pose with colleagues Becky Neal (L) and John Meade while demonstrating the fireman carry event in Cork, Ireland June 22, 2010. With an events list including mobile phone throwing and the backwards 100 metres, the inaugural Paddy Games being held in Ireland in August looks set to break new records - but not many conventional ones. Picture taken June 22. REUTERS/Miki Barlok/Handout
3131. Brazil's Maicon fights for the ball with Portugal's Fabio Coentrao (R) during a 2010 World Cup Group G soccer match at Moses Mabhida stadium in Durban June 25, 2010. REUTERS/Christian Charisius)
3232. Chile's goalkeeper Claudio Bravo (C) concedes a goal by Spain during a 2010 World Cup Group H match at Loftus Versfeld stadium in Pretoria June 25, 2010. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez
3333. A Spanish fan reacts moments before the end of Spain's World Cup soccer match against Chile in Madrid June 25, 2010. REUTERS/Susana Vera
3434. Britain's Prince Harry falls off his horse as he plays polo in the Veuve Clicquot Manhattan Polo Classic on Governor's Island in New York June 27, 2010. REUTERS/Stephen Lovekin/Pool
3535. Serena Williams of the U.S. celebrates winning a point against Russia's Vera Zvonareva during the women's singles final at the 2010 Wimbledon tennis championships in London, July 3, 2010. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth
3636. Netherlands' John Heitinga (R) celebrates with Wesley Sneijder, Arjen Robben (L) and Dirk Kuyt (2nd L) after their 2010 World Cup semi-final soccer match against Uruguay at Green Point stadium in Cape Town July 6, 2010. REUTERS/Carlos Barria
3737. Spain's soccer team celebrates with the World Cup trophy after their final match victory over Netherlands, during the award ceremony at Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg July 11, 2010. REUTERS/Michael Kooren
3838. Shaolin students play soccer at Tagou Wushu School in Zhengzhou, Henan province July 11, 2010. Picture taken July 11, 2010. REUTERS/Donald Chan
3939. Olympic champion Usain Bolt of Jamaica looks from a door before a news conference to present the Paris Areva Golden League athletics meeting in Paris July 12, 2010. REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer
4040. Honda MotoGP rider Marco Simoncelli of Italy crashes during a free practice at the German Grand Prix at the Sachsenring circuit near the eastern German town of Hohenstein-Ernstthal, July 17, 2010. REUTERS/Tobias Schwarz
4141. Mexico's Yahel Castillo competes in the men's 3 metre Springboard final at the Central American and Caribbean games in Mayaguez July 19, 2010. Castillo won the gold medal. REUTERS/Jose Miguel Gomez
4242. Paula Creamer of the U.S. hits her second shot on the fifteenth hole during the ProAm round of the Evian Masters golf tournament July 21, 2010. REUTERS/Valentin Flauraud
4343. The pack of riders cycles during the 17th stage of the Tour de France cycling race from Pau to Tourmalet Pass, July 22, 2010. REUTERS/Bogdan Cristel
4444. Brazil's Joao Antonio Souza (L) competes against Venezuela's Antonio Leal in the men's individual foil fencing semi-finals at the Pan American Fencing Championships in San Jose August 3, 2010. REUTERS/Juan Carlos Ulate
4545. RNPS IMAGES OF THE YEAR 2010 - Brazil's Ioran Etchechury (C) falls into the water during the men's 2000m round one steeplechase qualification race at the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in Singapore August 18, 2010. REUTERS/Vivek Prakash
4646. Youths practice traditional Swiss Alpine wrestling in a ring covered with sawdust at a traditional 'Schwingkeller' gym in Sumiswald in the Swiss Emmental valley August 10, 2010. Swiss Alpine wrestling, called 'Schwingen', is the oldest sport in Switzerland. The Swiss Federal Alpine Wrestling Festival (Eidgenoessisches Schwing- und Aelplerfest) takes place in Frauenfeld from August 20 to 22. Picture taken August 10. REUTERS/Michael Buholzer
4747. An Italian couple sits during lunch as Steve Black of Australia dives past their balcony in the lead up round four of the 2010 Red Bull Cliff Diving world series in Polignano a Mare August 5, 2010. Gary Hunt of England currently leads the six round series, with the fourth stop taking place this Sunday, August 8. REUTERS/Dean Treml/Red Bull Photofiles
4848. Pakistan's Wahib Riaz leaps as he celebrates after dismissing England's Eoin Morgan (R) during the third cricket test match at the Oval in London August 18, 2010. REUTERS/Philip Brown
4949. Sam Oldham of Britain falls from the high bar during the men's individual all-around final of the artistic gymnastics competition at the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) in Singapore August 18, 2010. REUTERS/Issei Kato
5050. McLaren Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain celebrates on the podium after winning the Belgian F1 Grand Prix in Spa Francorchamps August 29, 2010. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
5151. Barbara Bujka of Hungary bleeds after she was injured during their European Water Polo Championships preliminary match against Germany in Zagreb September 4, 2010. REUTERS/Nikola Solic
5252. England's Sarah Hunter walks past the trophy after losing their Women's Rugby World Cup final match to New Zealand in London September 5, 2010. REUTERS/Eddie Keogh
5353. France's Teddy Riner celebrates his win during the men's judo +100 kg final match over Germany's Andreas Toelzer at the World Judo Championships in Tokyo September 9, 2010. REUTERS/Issei Kato
5454. Kim Ju-hee (R) of South Korea punches Jujeath Nagawa of the Philippines during a 10-round bout for four light flyweight titles, in Anyang, southwest of Seoul, September 12, 2010. WIBA-WIBF-GBU Champion Kim won the match by a decision (2:0). The titles being fought for are the WIBA (Women's International Boxing Association), WIBF (Women's International Boxing Federation), GBU (Global Boxing Union) and World Boxing Federation (WBF). REUTERS/Jo Yong-Hak
5555. Ferrari Formula One driver Fernando Alonso of Spain celebrates on the podium after winning the Italian F1 Grand Prix at the Monza circuit September 12, 2010. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
5656. Team Rabobank rider Laurens Ten Dam of the Netherlands grimaces after falling during the 16th stage of the Tour of Spain La Vuelta cycling race between Gijon and Cotobello, September 13, 2010. REUTERS/Miguel Vidal
5757. Russia's Dimitry Vassiliev soars through heavy snow clouds during the practice for the third event of the four-hills ski jumping tournament in Innsbruck January 2, 2010. The practice and the qualification were cancelled due to heavy wind and snowfall. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach
5858. Tatjana Ivanova of Russia is overtaken by her sledge after crashing in the first run of the women's luge World Cup competition in the western German wintersport resort of Winterberg January 10, 2010. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay
5959. AC Milan David Beckham celebrates at the end of the match against Juventus during their Serie A soccer match at Olympic stadium in Turin, January 10, 2010. AC Milan won 3-0. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
6060. Tiger Woods of the U.S. reacts after his tee shot on the sixth hole during the second round of the 92nd PGA Golf Championship at Whistling Straits in Kohler, Wisconsin August 13, 2010. REUTERS/Matt Sullivan
6161. A Jockey from Montone parish rides his horse during a training session of the Palio race in Siena August 15, 2010. Every year on August 16, almost without fail since the mid-1600s, 10 riders compete bareback around Siena's shell-shaped central square in a bid to win the Palio, a silk banner depicting the Madonna and child REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini
6262. Toronto Blue Jays second baseman Aaron Hill fails to make the play on a single hit by Boston Red Sox's J.D. Drew during the fifth inning of their MLB American League baseball game at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts August 21, 2010. REUTERS/Adam Hunger
6363. Spanish banderiller Pedro Muriel is gored by a bull during a bullfight at the Malagueta bullring in Malaga August 22, 2010. Banderillers are bullfighter's assistants whose role is to weaken the bull's massive neck and shoulder muscles using harpoon pointed sticks known as banderillas (little flags). Muriel was gored in the right thigh but his wound is not serious, said his manager Ignacio Gonzalez to the magazine Mundotoro. REUTERS/Jon Nazca
6464. Liverpool's Steven Gerrard (C) celebrates after scoring his second goal during their English Premier League soccer match against Manchester United at Old Trafford in Manchester, northern England, September 19, 2010. REUTERS/Phil Noble
6565. The mother of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, Dodo Kumaritashvili (L) mourns at home holding a photograph of her son in Bakuriani, some 160 km (99.4 miles) west of Tbilisi March 23, 2010. Kumaritashvili was killed in a horrific training crash during the final luge session for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics at the Whistler Sliding Centre on February 12, 2010. REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili
6666. Cleveland Browns running back Jerome Harrison (35) dives for yardage after being tripped up by the Kansas City Chiefs during the first quarter of their NFL football game in Cleveland, Ohio September 19, 2010. REUTERS/Aaron Josefczyk
6767. Miami Heat's LeBron James poses for a portrait during Media Day in Miami, Florida September 27, 2010 before the NBA basketball team kicks off their training camp. REUTERS/Hans Deryk
6868. A young fan (L) watches as San Jose Sharks Douglas Murray (C) and Vancouver Canucks Tanner Glass fight during the second period of their NHL pre-season hockey game in Vancouver, British Columbia September 28,2010. REUTERS/Andy Clark
6969. Philadelphia Phillies Ben Francisco reacts after being hit in the head with a pitch by Cincinnati Reds Logan Ondrusek during the sixth inning in Game 2 of the MLB National League Division Series baseball playoffs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 8, 2010. REUTERS/Tim Shaffer
7070. Yamaha MotoGP rider Jorge Lorenzo of Spain makes a wheelie before crossing the finishing line during the the Malaysian Grand Prix in Sepang October 10, 2010. Lorenzo clinched his maiden MotoGP world title with a third-place finish at the Malaysian Grand Prix on Sunday. REUTERS/Bazuki Muhammad
7171. Horses jump over the Big Taxis obstacle during the 120th Velka Pardubicka Steeplechase horse race in Pardubice October 10, 2010. REUTERS/Petr Josek
7272. Australia's Michael Clarke (L) and Shane Watson gesture during the third day of their second test cricket match against India in Bangalore October 11, 2010. REUTERS/Andrew Caballero-Reynolds
7373. A wrestler performs during the unveiling of the 2011 Pan American Games countdown clock in Guadalajara October 14, 2010. People gathered to watch the unveiling of the Pan American Games countdown clock which will take place in Guadalajara in October 2011. REUTERS/Alejandro Acosta
7474. Russia's Ksenia Afanasyeva falls as she competes on the uneven bar at the qualifying round of the Gymnastics World Championships at the Ahoy Arena in Rotterdam October 16, 2010. REUTERS/Dylan Martinez
7575. WBC boxing champion Vitali Klitschko (R) of Ukraine lands a punch on Shannon Briggs of the U.S. during their WBC Heavyweight Championship boxing bout in Hamburg October 16, 2010. Klitschko won the fight by points after twelve rounds. REUTERS/Christian Charisius
7676. Two grid girls shelter from the rain in the pits during the warm up session of the Australian Grand Prix in Phillip Island near Melbourne October 17, 2010. REUTERS/Mick Tsikas
7777. Texas Rangers pitcher Neftali Feliz (R) celebrates with catcher Bengie Molina after defeating the New York Yankees in Major League Baseball's ALCS playoff series in Arlington, Texas October 22, 2010. REUTERS/Jeff Haynes
7878. Golfer Tiger Woods hugs his mother Kultida Woods during his first public statement to a small gathering of reporters and friends at the headquarters of the U.S. PGA Tour in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, February 19, 2010. REUTERS/Joe Skipper
7979. Palestinian contestants prepare for a bodybuilding competition in Gaza City October 29, 2010. A total of 25 men from 20 to 40 year-olds took part in the competition. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem
8080. San Francisco Giants players celebrate defeating the Texas Rangers in Game 5 of Major League Baseball to win the World Series in Arlington, Texas, November 1, 2010. REUTERS/Brian Snyder
8181. Venus Williams of the U.S. plays a shot during her match against Arantxa Parra Santonja of Spain at the French Open tennis tournament at Roland Garros in Paris May 26, 2010. REUTERS/Regis Duvignau
8282. Antonio Margarito of Mexico is hit with a left by Manny Pacquiao (R) of the Philippines in the 5th round of their 12 round WBC World Super Welterweight title boxing fight in Arlington, Texas November 13, 2010. Pacquiao eventually cemented his place in the pantheon of boxing greats by recording an unanimous points victory over Margarito on Saturday to claim the vacant WBC super welterweight title. REUTERS/Tim Sharp
8383. England players attend a team training session at Wembley Stadium in London November 16, 2010. England are due to play France in an international friendly soccer match in London on November 17, 2010. REUTERS/Eddie Keogh
8484. Lu Yong of China reacts after a missed attempt during the men's 85kg weightlifting event at the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, November 17, 2010. REUTERS/Mick Tsikas
8585. IBF, WBO and IBO heavyweight champion boxer Vladimir Klitschko of Ukraine prepares during a workout in front of media in Going November 23, 2010. Klitschko will defend his titles against Zimbabwe-born British heavyweight champion Derek Chisora in a fight on December 11 at the SAP arena in Mannheim. REUTERS/Dominic Ebenbichler
8686. Red Bull Formula One driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany speaks to television reporters after winning the Abu Dhabi F1 Grand Prix at Yas Marina circuit in Abu Dhabi November 14, 2010. Vettel became Formula One's youngest world champion on Sunday by winning the season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah
8787. Players from the Laval University Rouge et Or football team celebrate their victory over the Calgary Dinos in the Vanier Cup college football game at Laval University in Quebec City, November 27, 2010. REUTERS/Mathieu Belanger
8888. Chicago Blackhawks John Scott (R) punches Los Angeles Kings Kevin Westgarth during the second period of their NHL hockey game in Los Angeles, California, November 27, 2010. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson
8989. Juan Manuel Marquez (L) of Mexico connects on Michael Katsidis of Australia during a WBA/WBO lightweight title fight at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 27, 2010. REUTERS/Mark Damon
9090. Latvia's four-man bobsleigh team, piloted by Edgars Maskalans, begins its training heat at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics in Whistler, British Columbia February 24, 2010. REUTERS/Issei Kato
9191. Valentina Marocchi of Italy competes in the women's 10m platform diving final at the European Swimming Championships in Budapest August 12, 2010. REUTERS/Peter Andrews
9292. Bryan Clay of the U.S. competes during the men's heptathlon event at the IAAF World Indoor Athletics Championships at the Aspire Dome in Doha March 12, 2010. REUTERS/Dominic Ebenbichler \
9393. Norway third Thomas Lovold delivers a stone during their game against the United States at the World Men's Curling Championships in Cortina d'Ampezzo April 5, 2010. REUTERS/Valentin Flauraud
9494. Manchester United's Dimitar Berbatov (R) shoots and scores his goal against West Ham United during their English Premier League soccer match at Old Trafford in Manchester August 28, 2010. REUTERS/ Eddie Keogh
9595. England's Paul Collingwood (R) leaps out of the way after Australia's Ricky Ponting hits out watched by Craig Kieswetter (C) during the third one-day international cricket match at Old Trafford cricket ground in Manchester June 27, 2010. REUTERS/Philip Brown
9696. Spain's Rafael Nadal celebrates defeating Tomas Berdych of the Czech Republic in the men's singles final at the 2010 Wimbledon tennis championships in London, July 4, 2010. REUTERS/Toby Melville
9797. Gerek Meinhardt of the U.S. (L) competes against Venezuela's Cesar Bru during the men's fencing team florete finals at the Pan American Fencing Championships in San Jose August 6, 2010. The U.S. team won the gold medal. REUTERS/Kent Gilbert
9898. Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo reacts after missing an opportunity to score during their Champions League Group G soccer match at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid September 15, 2010. REUTERS/Felix Ordonez
9999. Austria's Gregor Schlierenzauer soars through the air during the third event of the four-hills ski jumping tournament in Innsbruck January 3, 2010. REUTERS/Dominic Ebenbichler
100100. Mexican fans celebrate Mexico's goal, which was annulled, as they watch the 2010 World Cup opening match against South Africa on a large TV screen in Zocalo Square, downtown Mexico City June 11, 2010. REUTERS/Eliana Aponte
موضوعات مرتبط: ورزشی
نوشته شده در دو شنبه 2 بهمن 1391
19:9 توسط DITI
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نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 28 دی 1391
15:44 توسط DITI
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نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 28 دی 1391
11:10 توسط DITI
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نوشته شده در سه شنبه 26 دی 1391
19:45 توسط DITI
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نوشته شده در سه شنبه 26 دی 1391
17:55 توسط DITI
درست يك روز قبل از آنكه ستاره پرتغالي نتيجه رقابت خود با ليونل مسي و آندرس اينيستا را در فيفا مشاهده كند،در برابر سوسيداد از اين كفش ها استفاده خواهد كرد.
اشتباه نكنيد.كمي بيشتر به عكس ها دقت كنيد.اين كفش ها مشكي نيستند.سفيد رنگ اصلي اين طرح مي باشد.قرمز و مشكي هم به كار برده شدند.
هفت عدد روي اين كفش ها نوشته شده اند كه مربوط به آمار او در 2012 هستند:
1 : يك قهرماني در لاليگا
9 : تعداد گل براي پرتغال
14 : چهارده بازي ملي براي پرتغال
19 : اولين بازيكني كه به 19 تيم لاليگا گل زد
27 : بيست و هفت ساله شدن
55 : 55 بازي براي رئال مادريد
60 : شصت گل براي رئال مادريد
سال گذشته كه مسي براي سومين بار توپ طلا را برد،كارخانه آديداس يك كفش طلايي براي او ساخت.
كفش طلايي كارخانه نايك به رونالدو مي رسد؟
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نوشته شده در شنبه 16 دی 1391
19:51 توسط DITI
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نوشته شده در شنبه 16 دی 1391
18:29 توسط DITI